W48xH96, Dual setpoint value can be selected. PT100, J, K, L, T, S, R sensor can be selected.
0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-25mV and 0-50mV input selections.
Three different features can be assigned to digital input. Three different features can be
assigned to F function key. Analogue 0-20mA and 4-20mA, SSR or Relay Output Control
selection. Up to 16 steps Profile Control. A1 Relay output. C/A2 Relay output. Heating/Cooling
control selection

تحكم من خلال زمن ودرجات حرارة – PIDتحكم

وجود عدد 2 ريلاى خرج – اختيار نوع الدخل -برمجة 16 مرحلة تشغيل 

PT100, J, K, L, T, S,  R حساسات حرارة

     0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, 2-10V, 0-25mV , 0-50mV  او انالوج

0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V, 2-10V  او SSR اختيار الخرج




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